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HCLC Mission Statement
Holy Communion Lutheran Church
6220 Portsmouth Blvd, Portsmouth VA 23701
Call: 757-488-2604

Tips for the Congregation:

Remember the commitment we have as a congregation to the children in our midst. Recall that in the service of baptism, the congregation commits to helping each person grow in faith. Participation in worship is part of that commitment!
Greet the children around you before and after worship, not just their parents. Make them feel like an important part of the worship service.
Hand offering baskets to children, not over their heads!
Invite a child you know to sit with you in worship on occasion. Even better: take a “leap of faith” and sit with a family during worship. (I know we like our regular seats, but we’re there to worship together – not be comfortable!)
Make it a goal to learn one child’s name and their parents in this congregation, and greet them by name each time you see them in worship.
Understand how difficult it is for parents and children if a child “acts out” during worship. Try to nod and smile at a self-conscious parent to show you understand. And if they leave and return to worship, make them feel welcome!
Have patience with the learning process; sometimes children will be restless and active during worship. Remember, we are all children of god, and learning how to worship is important. As a congregation we should help support, not hinder, families as they raise their children in the faith!
Compliment children, (and their parents) when children have participated and listened attentively during the service.

Acknowledgement goes to Incarnation Lutheran Church in Shoreview, MN in sharing their own tips, which helped in generating our own tips for worship!

Worshipping with Children

We welcome the presence of children in our worship because as Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” (Matthew 19:14) Including children in worship is important and necessary for the life of our community of faith!

We also recognize that the worship experience is new for children; there is sometimes an adjustment period in “getting them used to” being in worship. The best advice: let them be involved! Here are some tips to help in that task!